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Graduate Students

Gabriela Hernandes Villani
Gabriela Hernandes Villani
Oklahoma State University 
Gabriela is investigating the effects of Climate Change on Tropical Forests; specifically, on how plant's heat tolerance is influenced by the interactions among plants, natural enemies, and fungi. 
Parker Bartz
Parker Bartz 
Oklahoma State University 
Parker is studying the effects of climate warming on soil bacterial composition, nitrogen-fixing trees, and overall nitrogen cycling in the forest. He will do this by combining field work with biochemical and genomic techniques.
Malik Sankofa
Malik Sankofa 
Michigan Technological University - Houghton 
Malik is researching the response of fungal communities to experimental warming, to understand the potential ecological implications of climate change on tropical fungi. 
Carol Miron Pereira
Carol Miron
University of Hamburg
Carol is a graduate student pursuing a PhD at the University of Hamburg. She will be studying the effects of warming and drought stress on root dynamics. 
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