Biodiversity at Sabana Field Research Station
Updated: Dec 16, 2024
It's no surprise to me that the Sabana Field Research Station (SFRS) is teeming with biodiversity, but throughout my four-month internship I have been continually impressed by the incredible wildlife here. Iāve tried to document everything Iāve seen to make a record of the different species. Iāve contributed my observations to a community science platform called iNaturalist so they can be publicly available. This blog post will be a synthesis of all my findings so that anyone can see and appreciate how special El Yunque National Forest and the Sabana Field Research Station are. Since a lot of work has already been done on the description of plants (census of trees, seedlings, and herbaceous plants), I will leave that to the experts and focus on other things.
First are the lizards! Almost all of the lizards we see at SFRS belong to the genusĀ Anolis. These are the little ones we see hanging out on tree trunks, cinder blocks, fences... and pretty much everywhere. When they feel threatened, they do push-ups, and the males show their dewlap (patch of colorful skin under the chin). Many of these commonly seen lizards are endemic to Puerto Rico. There are probably around 9 endemic species of AnolisĀ here in Puerto Rico, many of which are seen daily at SFRS. Here are some examples:

While weāre talking about reptiles, I have to mention the Puerto Rican Ameiva (Ameiva exsul) and the Puerto Rican Racer (Borikenophis portoricensis), which are two other endemic species that are commonly seen around the station.
Next is everyone's favorite, the coquĆes. These little frogs are super famous and often represent Puerto Rico. Every night at SFRS you can hear at least 4 different species calling, although only one species says the iconic āko-keeā. CoquĆes are very difficult to identify to species, but they all belong to the genus Eleutherodactylus. They're especially cool because they don't have an aquatic life stage (tadpole) like most frogs, so when they hatch from their eggs, they're little froglets! Here's a look at some of the diversity within the genus:

Like the anoles, it's hard to walk a couple steps in the woods without seeing a snail (seriously, we have to be careful!). Aside from the number of snails, there are many different shapes, sizes and habitats. There are more than 30 species of snails that live in El Yunque, here are some of them:

Now to the insects! When people think of a tropical rainforest, usually the first insect that comes to mind is mosquitoes. It is true that there are mosquitoes, but there are many other interesting insects to appreciate. The size of insects can vary from extremely small to quite large and there is a lot of diversity among them. Here are examples from 4 different orders of insects:

And finally, fungi! I may be a little biased because I study fungi, but fungi have been the underdog of ecological research for so long that I felt the need to highlight twice as many species. The fungi of El Yunque are very important for decomposition, soil health, nutrient cycling, and feeding the snails, among other things. Many of the fungi at SFRS are extremely small, so you really have to look for them. But I'd say it's worth it once you see all the different colors and shapes that they can take.

Now, for the nerds and anyone else whoās curious, I'll put my species lists of everything I've seen in SFRS. These are just some of the ones I found and identified; obviously, this is a gross underrepresentation of the actual number of species present.
Sabana Field Research Station Species ListĀ
Reptiles: 8 species
Borikenophis portoricensis
Anolis gundlachi
Anolis cristatellus
Anolis krugi
Anolis evermanni
Ameiva exsul
Anolis pulchellus
Anolis stratulus
Amphibians: >5 species, all in the genus Eleutherodactylus
Birds: 23 species
Coereba flaveola
Coccyzus vielloti
Zenaida asiatica
Zenaida aurita
Zenaida macroura
Margarops fuscatus
Turdus plumbeus
Todus mexicanus
Agelaius xanthomus
Eupsittula canicularis
Patagioenas squamosa
Tyrannus dominicensis
Tyrannus caudifasciatus
Melanerpes potoricensis
Buteo jamaicensis
Eulampis holosericeus
Molothrus bonariensis
Anthracothorax aurulentus
Riccordia maugaeus
Mimus polyglottos
Myiarchus antillarum
Icterus portoricensis
Spermestes cucullata
Snails/Slugs: 11 species
Neopupina crocea
Neopupina curta
Parthena acutangula
Caracolus caracollaĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā
Caracolus marginella
Granodomus lima
Zohpos sp.
Vagavarix portoricensis
Nenia tridens
Veronicella cubensis
Gaeotis flavolineata
Arthropods/Arachnids: 9 species
Caribena laeta
Heteropoda venatoria
Leucauge regnyi
Leucauge argyra
Micrathena militaris
Gasteracantha cancriformis
Tityus obtusus
Anadenobolus arboreus
Scolopendra subspinipes
Mammals: 3 species
Herpestes auropunctatus
Canis familiaris
Felis catus
Insects: 26 species (much more)
Heterochroma berylloides
Epimecis hortaria
Xylophanes chiron
Ignelater luminosus
Grallipeza scurra
Heuretes picticornis
EulepteĀ sp.
Lymire edwardsii
Bacteria yersiniana
Petrusa epilepsis
Pepsis ruficornis
Wasmannia auropunctata
Heterophotinus vittatus
Clogmia albipunctata
Samea ecclesialis
Diaprepes maugei
Hortensia similis
Icerya purchasi
Cariblatta luttea
Flatormensis sp.
Sphenophorus australis
Apis mellĆfera
Argyresthia sp.
Stegasta sp.
Condylostylus sp.
Fungi: 26 (much more)
Auricularia cornea
Xylaria axifera
Gibellula sp.
Moelleriella sp.
Entoloma sp.
Macrotyphula sp.
Geastrum sp.
Cyathus sp.
Crepidotus sp.
Coenogonium sp.
Tetrapyrgos sp.
Gloiocephala sp.
Pseudofavolus sp.
Phillipsia domingensis
Pleurotus djamor
Crustodontia chrysocreas
Cheilymenia sp.
Favolus brasiliensis
Marasmius crinis-equi
Gymnopus johnstonii
Tricholomopsis aurea
Trechispora sp. Ā
Mycena sect. Calodontes
Mycena sp.
Collybiopsis subpruinosa
Marasmius sp.
Total:Ā ~111 species in four months!